Am I Really Flesh and Bone?
Denise Adaya Marcel.
I am a goddess,
so the falling leaf
and a wind that blew it free;
a new spring bud
also the beam of light that gave it life.
I am a soldier who spared no one grief.
I am the skanky crud embedded
beneath a Raven's toe-nails.
I am the moisture within a cloud
and the thirsty earth
ready to receive the watery shroud
lying in wait below.
I am a gazing ball...made of glass;
purple, with the reflection of a bird of paradise.
I am the outer edge of an inner rose petal
and the white crab-like spider resting,
dreaming patiently of its dinner within it.
I am a microbe scratching out an existence
amongst the other microzoo who reside in the soil.
I am the unicellular Archaea,
Bacteria and Eukarya in the very air I breath.
I am the sticky luster on the cottonwood leaves
expressed as sweet essence on a summer breeze.
I am the squeak in a chipmunk sneeze
that breaks the silent moment of reverence.
I might even be somewhere in that magazine
lying on that blue plastic lawn chair
out there under the Elderberry tree.
Once I was a smile on the full moon's face
the day my soul joined this spiral in progress.
Birth unfolds like a thousand petaled lotus,
every second, millisecond, nanosecond
continually blooming, eternally.
Immortal beings that we are,
are never NOT being born.
Even as we “die”, do not mourn,
we are actually being reborn
into our next stage of evolution.....
from beam of thought
to light light being
…....ever the vibrational surfer of continual birth,
ever the aeonian thought in the mind of the ALL.
We are not merely these meat vehicles
which carry us to and fro
….60 chemical elements,
6.7 x 10-27 atoms,
with 0.000014
percent of our mass
being pure gold.
No, this is not what we are,
this is what we wear.
Now consider we are porous chunks of miracles,
shaped like a human being, or a flower,
and we emanate 68 MHz of vibration
and radiate rhythmic light called our aura
which extends outward from our bodies
like a radio station, we send and receive.
How far we extend is anyone's guess.
Doesn't that mean an action
of natural forces occurs
when I come near you
or you come near me?
Isn't there a caress
even in thought,while our auras intertwine,
truth co-mingling,
as our vibrations create new realities.
There is no actual separational wall
between the literal “me”
and the liberated oneness of “we”,
except in our singular meat-mind.
One of the things we humans crave above all
to experience is the incredible essence
of physical cohesion in ourselves
through the sexual expression
which brings two bodies
to a sacred shared space,
a place of oneness,
unity to such a holy degree
that our cries at orgasm, climax...
the point where nothing else exists except the union....
we cry out, involuntarily
or “OHFUCK!”,
which at that exquisite moment
means exactly the same thing.
Perhaps our yearning
for this “God”...maybe all “gods” ….
is a primeval, supernal recognition
of the original co-mingling we originated from,
and the yearning for a return
to the complete unity and oneness
that we all share...a oneness that has always existed...
even when we become completely self-blinded to it.
Now, look at the larger picture of the Infiniverse
and consider the stardust
that continually falls to the earth,
onto us, into us, passing through us,
passing through the earth Herself
and moving on to the domain of Forevermore.
Zero point energy, tachyon energy,
quantum Fibonacci codes marching through infinity.
If something brought forth life,
that “something” came from somewhere,
and if that is the case
then every cause has a cause,
which has a 'because'...forever;
throughout time which has no beginning.
The electromagnetic prismatic pulse of the ALL
flows on in a never-ending, never-beginning story.
The heartbeat of all vibrational energy
pours its rhythmic thought
through these porous flesh vehicles
our souls call home.
Am I really flesh and bone
or am I an universe, living within a multiverse
existing within the eternal mind of the All...
sometimes lovingly called, “The Infiniverse”.