Thursday, May 5, 2011

What Do We Fear. Adaya Marcel.

What Do We Fear?
Adaya Marcel.

What is Osama Bin Laden?
Did he even actually exist,
or is he just a figment of the boogie man
every generation seems to desire?
Is he the prototype of the fuel
that stokes the fires of our insecurity;
petty fears which fed the mongrel dogs of war? 

If we were not frightened by some monster,
could we, in good conscience
give permission for the wastes of aggression;
enumerate the lives of a weeping
Goddess's children lost, forever forgotten.
POOF! their life extinguished
in the blink of an optic nano-second,
and the squeeze of a heartless trigger.
Loving resources squandered by detonation
and a million devastated
mother's dignities adulterated
beyond recognition?

Perhaps bin Laden is only
a figment of our fear-fed imagination
and our spiritual stagnation.
 Maybe this boogie man
is the part of ourselves
that believes we have the right
to murder and call it war
and base that right solely
on the fact that we are afraid
of our own inner shadows.

 We do not live from our higher selves right now, 
not when we can allow
any mother's child to die in brutality.
We currently exist in our baser regions
of deep-seated personal fears
as  we choose systematic fabrication...over reality.
Self inflicted ignorance gives no one permission to explain away
the slap on the face of any Creator that war truly is.

 People are starving to death,
living and dying in the dirt of the streets,
dying of curable diseases while
we spend our many untold trillions 
in an effort to kill what we fear.
What has America become?
What is the truth
and why do we fear it?

Safety comes not from crushing
our perceived enemies, preemptively
or otherwise, it comes from relinquishing
our fear, as this is the real enemy.

Only in compassion will we find safety;
through empathy we shall arrive
at our better natures, thus survive
the putridity of vengeance.

Intelligent beings that we are,
 we are capable of astounding
miracles and acts of mercy.
Then that ends the justification of any defense of
incendiary bombs that ignite the beds and terrors
of mothers and children anywhere on earth.
We are deeply lessened when we
give permission to misery and horror.

 In all matters concerning life,
compassion, and maternal mercy are in our DNA.
We have incredible ability; we are humanly
humane, not designed for insane cruelty;
we are not lusus naturae: monsters of apathy,
we are miraculous stardust destiny.