Monday, October 24, 2011

What If?

What If?
Adaya Marcel.

After all the classes I have taken relating to becoming one with the Universe, learning how to love your body through Tantra, Goddess this and God that, yoga, meditation, love others as you would love yourself, UFO, Inner-Terrestrials, Dimensional Beings, and Angels, I still look around and see a world on the brink of destruction.  I look, I listen, I watch, and I hear great intentions, but I see selfishness from too many of us, so myopic that no one even sees that everything is on fire.  Peace is in flames!
I see something that has emerged in the guise of another form of separation, like most organized religions that take money for spirituality given; lies that separate us:  “Just take care of your own little world and everything else will fix itself”.  But the reality is that we are all one interwoven web of life, everything on this living being called Gaia depends, in some way, on everything else.  There is only one sky and one color blood and the way I see it, my choices do make a difference to someone, or something else on the other side of the world.
If I want a jacket with a little bit of animal fur on it and I only want to pay a little bit of money from a store that uses child labor and pays slave wages, will I then also be supporting a practice from China that creates an industry in which all manner of furry mammal is skinned alive to save on the cost of humanely killing them first.  And fake fur is actually dog or cat fur.
If I eat GE or modified food of any kind, I am supporting an industry that is literally changing the DNA of the entire planet, our bodies included, (of special note: two or three generations into the consumption of GE food, sterility in rats and humans is very high)
If I buy an iPad, will I be supporting an industry that basically treats their employees so bad that they had to install suicide prevention nets along the sides of their many high-rise factory buildings to catch the worn out human beings, only to then make them go back to work?  
If I turn a blind eye to all the war that is raging on in our name, will it just go away and not affect me?  I wonder what Pilates exercise I can do, or what kind of multi-grain I can eat to alleviate the horror I will experience when it is my turn later, for not caring now.
If I spend all my time glued to a flat screen TV watching reality-rage TV, will I be telling the world that being wrong is the right way to live?   I look upon the misery of this world and if I choose to not care about anything except my own programmed comfort, am I not complicit in a way that is this generation’s form of subliminal brutality: Apathy.
Now, with all this work we have done on ourselves, all our classes and our experiences, now that we have fixed ourselves, isn’t it about time that we do what we came to do?  We know by now, after all our yoga and our meditation; we know that we are spirits having a human experience, right?  We know what we are capable of.  Why did we spend so much time and money learning about love and peace and yet silently watch as our world goes down in flames?  I think the time has come to actualize our truth.   Our raison ‘d’ĂȘtre with some fava beans and a nice Chianti:  Actualize peace.
Perhaps I don’t know what that truly is, but I do know that our truth is not war, or misery, or cruelty, or gluttony or apathy.  I know that we have the ability to bring all our light together to fill this world with more love than hate, more empathy than apathy, gratitude instead of complaints, and more peace than war.  If we so choose, we could balance out the darkness that is necessary with enough light to make life fair for everyone.   In a heartbeat of unity, if we really wanted it, life could be what it was meant to be….amazing.
I’m just saying….
Love, light and peace,
Denise Adaya Marcel.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Emptiness. Adaya Marcel.

Adaya Marcel.

I can't feel anything today.
I look in the mirror and I see emptiness
where a usually light filled woman exists.
Trust ransacked, hope plundered,
friendship squandered
and tossed aside like Love is worthless...
my heart is drained of all its contents.
The remnants of a soul of vision
descended into fragmentary hell, her pieces
lay in a slag heap by the side of the road.
I wonder why we humans are so careless
with all things rare and precious.

As if to slap me out of my swan song
the earth just shook, an earthquake rumbled
and I watched my prized possessions
dance on the shelves above my head;
ten seconds can host a change of heart.
Maybe I am only lost
and confused and scared and naked
-  will I forever be on the journey alone
and will anyone ever really understand what I brought.
I don't know where I belong...except in Love's thought.
I don't know how to trust anymore...
except I know that Love is sacred and that sustains me.
I don't know what Love means to others,
And I don't know how to live in between,
I only know how to love. 
I only know how to Love.
I only know Love.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Radiance Humbled. Adaya Marcel.

Radiance Humbled.
Adaya Marcel.

An internal walk-about through
 the doorway of the Dreamtime;
 face to face with my Avatar,
Her tender eyes reflecting a place
of past weakness or pain,
or victimized bargains, 
She wakes me from my nightmare.
All is overcome by Love's driven duty
....honor means everything to me.

I find myself in a place of transformation;
pure blizzard of fearless strength.
I take the dragon head on and shun the con.
Exposing the full breadth, length and depth
of this facade; fear is the Rubicon of the damned.

Armed only with
seven dreams and a butterfly net
I work with brevity
for it tends to alter destiny 
if one lingers too long
at being angry.

 I have experiences to share
that are beyond all keeping;
deep, to the core of the core of the core...
pain mixed with winsome magic
keeps it real enough to be of service 
to show that "victim" really means hero. 

I have become a whirling dervish,
one that whirls with a purpose,
dedication filters out the debris
of collateral destiny.

I lay my life at my Avatar's apex.
No heart can be crumbled,
while it embodies the multicolored Phoenix,
Honor is radiance humbled.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Friday, October 14, 2011

Crystalline Reality.
Adaya Marcel.

We are the nexus betwixt 
the impossible and the credible;
liaison of the tangible and the sublime,
the contact between the miracle and the fact;
between the prison cell and the hand of freedom
lies our beating heart; the center of the helix.  

What I project, I figuratively create.
So, in saying this, may I choose to be
the manifestation of Isis, 
who can winnow out hate
and project forgiveness
and the knowingness that nothing is real
save the love She has for us
and the love we become because of this.
Let me be the hand-maiden of that Love.

May I be the one who carries 
dignity in the palms of my eyes
or on a sliver and gold platter
engraved by  fluorescent sacrifice.
A reflective mirror and witness 
to the unfolding of all probabilities.
May I hold the space for Isis to demonstrate
the ineffable phenomenon of empathy.
I baptize myself in the grotto of Her warrior tears
where Maidenhair ferns grow wild and free;
there I christen my life with the finely aged
compassion that rewards the fearless and the wise.
Crystalline reality....sparkling non-duality: nothing exists, 
except Isis, love, you and perhaps me.