I remember when Obama won in 2008, and a subgroup of weirdos came out of the sewers and immediately started attacking Michelle and people were outraged, and rightly so. So I figure those who do the same kinds of things now aren't much better. A more effective and enlightened protest is what happened at the Hamilton play with Pence...that was frickin' BRILLIANT! Man to man, eyeball to eyeball, in front of the WHOLE world, HUEmanity put them on notice that we will not allow the clock to be turned back. That's how it's done....not by becoming what we despise, but by being what we love.
Now as to "All this talk", I am guessing you are referring to the posts about war. If so, well, it's because we are forgetting that we have been killing people for 15 years. And because of that, at least 4 million HUEman beings are dead, tens of millions are wandering the planet looking for a safe place, and we will never know how many wounded are out there still suffering. I desperately seek to get someone, anyone to see that this is our true enemy.
As long as we forget that misery on one race of people is being orchestrated in our name, way over there in the Middle East, I guess I figure we will have to slog and wade through our schizophrenic misery of resurgent racism here at home because maybe we really haven't really gotten rid of racism, or superiority, or bigotry in America, maybe we just outsourced it to Iraq,Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, Libya...et al. Are we acting it out and calling it war to make ourselves feel better about what has been happening since 2001?
Maybe I am crazy, but I feel it is important for us to see the correlation between "over there", and "over here". My motto is "Where we go, we go together" and that by it's very nature is all inclusive, HUEman, animal, flora, soil, air...our planet, which is also being indiscriminately bombed with something called depleted uranium(radio-active waste) in "war zones, and all the other contaminants that are part of our daily lives here at home. We are not just our words, because when the dust settles, we are remembered by our actions, or inaction and by what we leave behind for our children.
Esoteric Goddess
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Monday, November 14, 2016
I don't know what to say except that hate is still a problem in our country, so I guess it is an opportunity for us as a people to come to a place where we finally defeat it. We let this slide for far too long. We barely said anything when we learned that cops were beating African-Americans, Latinos, and Native-Americans to death in the streets of our cities. We didn't say anything when Obama deported 2.5 million people. Now hear me out, my love, OK? Perhaps Divine Wisdom is finally giving us a chance to eradicate hate by putting it back in our faces one last time. I looked it up, and it was in a girl's bathroom that "whites only" was scrawled, and no one knows who did it. I am betting that everyone at this school is rallying and becoming protectors, right? A few short weeks ago, everyone would just film violence and post it on youtube while they are laughing, but now we are standing TALL in negation of the abuses. See, a silver lining. A few days ago, a man in San Francisco put out a Nazi flag, and within minutes all his neighbors came out and demanded that he take it down. (~_~) I also know that quite a bit of those stories are fabricated. I will post two examples below. We are UNITING! BRILLIANT! We Americans haven't done that in a long time, a very long time! But at the same time it seems like we are splitting apart...perhaps maybe we are really being ripped out of our comfort zone, and because we have become so complacent that this is what it would take to wake us up. Now we have to be careful that we don't go over to the side of hate, which is what I am seeing.
If we want love to triumph, we HAVE TO BE LOVE.

Great Spirit never gives us more than we can handle, and Great Spirit never gives us something this huge unless we ask for it. Seven Billion HUEman beings came together at this time to HEAL this weeping wound. We never really healed it, we just looked away after the blood stopped flowing. We are still looking away, when we forget to remember the devastation wrought by America across the world, Vietnamese people, Korean people, Arab people, Serbian people, Panamanian people, African people, Palestinian people. Sounds absolutely racist to me, doesn't it to you, but it's over "there", we can't see it? See, this is why such pain has come home to roost in America, we have to face a mirror, and as soon as we do, we will stitch together our two factions, and finally move on our journey. We have been stuck in wars for the last 6,000 years.
Until we stop killing the "other", we will be at war with ourselves. All I can do is love, I know no other way, and sometimes my love includes forcing myself to see what is ugly so that I can learn from it, and then use that learning to move vertically. If we start wars in the street because we don't like the outcome, then we will be telling the Universe that we are still addicted to war. We forget.... but NOW we ARE ENGAGED! (~_~) Hate become self-perpetuating. Life is weird though, we have become a narcissistic, self-serving society, corpulent almost with the way we live. We kind of manifested an amalgam of our collective selves in one personae, our new President.
Thanks for the conversation,
we will get through this.
We will shine. I love you!!!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Voting in the Age of Tits and Ass and Snakes in the Grass.
Denise Marcel.
November 01, 2016
I voted today; absentee ballot because I am a stickler for seeing my choices written out on paper....it makes a noise that celebrates a creative act. I walked over to the ballot box and hand delivered it with pride. Call me old fashioned, but it is empowering to take a pen and confirm my values in a thick black streak of surety, and it is an honor to vote for the things that are aligned with my soul.
2016 is the most divisive and hateful year! I have been attacked, verbally abused; called "conspiracy theory nutcase", "everything that is wrong with America", "you must be on heroin", "you are a stupid bitch", "you live in outer-space", "idiot", "retard", "fucking asshole", and even "cunt"! Most comments are from Hillary supporters on twitter, and most are women! (O_o)
So...somewhere in this idiocy I realized with crystal clarity that there are two women running for President. The one every one knows and doesn't really like but is going to vote for anyway because they are afraid of "Tangerine-Man", and the one who aligns the most with our values who was the long-shot but could win in a landslide if those who were unsatisfied would vote for her.
I saw a woman march right over to North Dakota and stand with the Water Protectors, I saw a woman who is dedicated to ending wars, and handing sovereignty back to humanity. I saw a woman who spoke words I would have spoken, and a woman who actually cared about the down-trodden.
I realized that The Divine Feminine Principle gave us a beautiful choice...yes we are ready for a Female leader, but will we choose one who is aligned with war, or one who is dedicated to peace. We are making a choice for all of HUEmanity, and I want more than anything to be on the right side of HERstory! I want more than anything to be able to say that I voted for peace in 2016.
Denise Marcel.
November 01, 2016
I voted today; absentee ballot because I am a stickler for seeing my choices written out on paper....it makes a noise that celebrates a creative act. I walked over to the ballot box and hand delivered it with pride. Call me old fashioned, but it is empowering to take a pen and confirm my values in a thick black streak of surety, and it is an honor to vote for the things that are aligned with my soul.
2016 is the most divisive and hateful year! I have been attacked, verbally abused; called "conspiracy theory nutcase", "everything that is wrong with America", "you must be on heroin", "you are a stupid bitch", "you live in outer-space", "idiot", "retard", "fucking asshole", and even "cunt"! Most comments are from Hillary supporters on twitter, and most are women! (O_o)
So...somewhere in this idiocy I realized with crystal clarity that there are two women running for President. The one every one knows and doesn't really like but is going to vote for anyway because they are afraid of "Tangerine-Man", and the one who aligns the most with our values who was the long-shot but could win in a landslide if those who were unsatisfied would vote for her.
I saw a woman march right over to North Dakota and stand with the Water Protectors, I saw a woman who is dedicated to ending wars, and handing sovereignty back to humanity. I saw a woman who spoke words I would have spoken, and a woman who actually cared about the down-trodden.
I realized that The Divine Feminine Principle gave us a beautiful choice...yes we are ready for a Female leader, but will we choose one who is aligned with war, or one who is dedicated to peace. We are making a choice for all of HUEmanity, and I want more than anything to be on the right side of HERstory! I want more than anything to be able to say that I voted for peace in 2016.
Monday, October 10, 2016
I am a Libra. I am born right smack dab in the center of the scales of justice, and I cannot help seeing the desperate need in our world today for the sweet elixir of justice....sublime juice of the Goddess to quench our parched souls from a steady diet of warriors unchecked.
I know everyone is sick of my seeming politicized banter, though it has nothing to do with politics and is really about respect for the right of every part of the Earth/Earthling to exist in peace and as pain-free as possible. I can see where the pain is coming from, and I can't unsee that. I can see that war is our monster...war is our destruction...because when war is perpetrated on others, and upon the very planet we inhabit, it soon enough comes home to roost and to haunt the perpetrators.
And when the peoples of a nation which foments war for several generations realizes the shame of that truth, the pain of that realization is intense, maybe even worse than the ones who became the compost of history. I hate that I can see that. I guess it is the Raven in me who misses nothing combined with the history buff who sees a pattern that has played out throughout known history.
Never-ending war brings every "Great" nation down. We are intimate with the circle of life...but are we self-blinded from the cycle of unnecessary death caused by war...our wars?
America has absolutely NO RIGHT to bomb anything in Syria! Period. It had no right to facilitate France's bombing of Libya, or Saudi bombing in Yemen. It has no right to Bomb Afghanistan, or Iraq, or Pakistan, or Yemen, or Somalia. It had no right to bomb Panama, or North Korea, or Vietnam, or Cambodia....get where I am going with this?
We had no right to create the "School of the Americas" in Georgia at Ft. Benning, to train drug lords and dictators in South America in the ways of genocide! (We must also have a "School of the Arabians" because Afghanistan soldiers, and Saudi soldiers, and "Moderate Rebel" soldiers come to train at military bases in the US and some just slip off into our population and no one knows where they are.)
These things I see haunting us forever unless we stop it in a conscious and awakened way! Unless humanity forswears war we will all suffer greatly.
.....but hey...no one gets out alive, so....might as well be a hero and protest the destruction of all we hold sacred, right? I guess that is what I am doing here. I am protesting the destruction of all that I hold sacred....including truth and decency. I am protesting the choosing of mediocrity when sacred eternity is the alternative. I am protesting "That's the way it's always been done."
Sunday, August 21, 2016
Aren't we HUEmans sick of watching the most vulnerable among us get skewered just because a system has been set up to harvest every single cent from us? I know I am! I lived the first part of my life in constant need. A single mother with five children, plus caring for her two sisters was crushed into selling her body to feed her children! Some can say, we should make better choices in life to avoid poverty, but they will never understand what it feels like to go hungry. I do. Life is NOT fair for those who have NOTHING through no fault of their own...but for merely being born into poverty! There is no way out until society stops the bleeding. And society can't stop the bleeding until it takes back it's sovereignty....ALL Life Is Created EQUAL! Greedy people kick truth in the teeth. But truth is patient...it waits until many are assembled. Well, the wait is over! HUEmanity is aligning, and we are redirecting our energy, and connecting our hearts, and we are re-weaving an existence that resembles what was intended....ONENESS! Aho...So Mote It Be...Mitakuye Oyasin....Blessed are the Family of Light!
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Uriah Heep - The Wizard
I was 18 when I first heard this song. It cracked me, split the part of me that wanted to be the victim and avenge all the wrongs, like a Superman, or a Silver Surfer, or Plastic Man. I thought I had a right to be an avenger, because I had be ravaged. But, when I heard this song....and others during this era, that all changed.
I didn't want to be a Superman who fought all the time. I did not want to be a super-hero who had to fight for anything.
I realized that the "Wizard" was the watcher, the helper, the one with peripheral vision and a magic wand to balance out the blind spots.
I wanted to help with wisdom, not with more of the same violence.
I studied under many angels/teachers, some full of light, some full of ego, some just completely full of shit. I earned a few distinctions...priestess of this, sister of that; but earning is not learning, and if I held onto labels I would be full of shit too!
So I sought the source of this light I feel. I came back to the same thing over and over. A Wizard lives in each of us...A Priest, or a Sister thrives in knowing of the preciousness and the fertile right of beingness of every Earthling; be they Human or one from the Animal,Mineral, Flora or Energetic Nations.
So I sought the source of this light I feel. I came back to the same thing over and over. A Wizard lives in each of us...A Priest, or a Sister thrives in knowing of the preciousness and the fertile right of beingness of every Earthling; be they Human or one from the Animal,Mineral, Flora or Energetic Nations.
I want to be a Wizard for the simple fact that a Wizard is a gate-keeper, not a sin-eater. A Wizard holds the door open without ego, or sorrow, or victim-hood. A Wizard holds the door just because they can.
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
What Am I Really?
Denise Adaya Marcel.
I am a Goddess/Woman
Or am I for sale?
Am I a Being of Light
Or do I have a dollar sign?
Am I to gift my wisdom,
Or sell it to the highest bidder?
Am I a Goddess or a businesswoman?
How is one to transpose
The beingness of transcendence
If they expect to count every
Dollar as vindication?
How does one define the state of Grace
If it places value denoted by a coin
with a Phantasmagorical Pharaoh's face?
One cannot sell transcendence,
One can not delineate timelessness,
Or dance between enlightenment and darkness
By virtue of the size of a pile of silver spent
And pretend the damage you cause is negligible.
Love is living and giving,
Not expedience and aggrandizement.
If you have love to sell, you are a gypsy,
Fore a Goddess only GIFTS Living Love
As a reward for Bravery.
True Love is not for sale.
True Love is the Teaching.
True Love is the Teaching.
Friday, July 10, 2015
Slaughterhouses of the Soul.
Denise Adaya Marcel.
"As long as there are slaughter houses,
there will always be battlefields...", says Tolstoy
However long we forget their sovereignty,
we will be forgotten.
Where we go we go together,
as above, so below.
Remember who THEY are
so you can remember who YOU really are.
We are ALL children of The Creation.
We are ALL precious in the sight of The ALL! heart emoticon
Ask where the "soul" resides,
you will find it in LOVE.
No Love, no soul.
Love Abides.....all else is chaff.
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Mother Wisdom Speaks-
Poem by Christine Lore Weber
Some of you I will hollow out.
I will make you a cave.
I will carve you so deep the stars will shine in your darkness.
You will be a bowl.
You will be the cup in the rock collecting rain.
I will hollow you with knives.
I will not do this to make you clean.
I will not do this to make you pure
You are clean already.
You are pure already.
I will do this because the world needs the hollowness of you.
I will do this for the space that you will be.
I will do this because you must be large.
A passage.
People will find their way through you.
A bowl.
People will eat from you.
And their hunger will not weaken them to death.
A cup to catch the sacred rain.
My daughter, do not cry.
Do not be afraid.
Nothing you need will be lost.
I am shaping you.
I am making you ready.
Light will flow in your hollowing.
You will be filled with light.
Your bones will shine.
The round open center of you will be radiant.
I will call you brilliant one.
I will call you daughter who is wide.
I will call you transformed.
Monday, November 10, 2014
I wrote this tonight to ask ...why? Why is this to be allowed by sentient beings with "god-like" abilities? Just thinking out-loud....just talking to silence's wall, as usual:
A concerted effort is on to wipe out ALL life to make room for something else. The dolphin, whale, dugong,and shark slaughters all designed to empty the oceans of life forms essential for sustainability. The wild orgy of scooping up every living thing from the ocean to the point of emptiness, and filling Red Lobster customers to the point of obesity. Silent echos float in a lonely space designed for acoustical symphonies teeming with magical beings leaping for joy. Humanity is dying of gluttonous consumerism.because the "serpent" said that dying won't kill you, and killing doesn't matter.
All wild life on the land, wild horses rounded up by helicopter, tormenting these Earthlings until many slam into barricades and break their necks, or drop dead from exhaustion. 5 colts, and several adults died this way just yesterday. Then the rest were transported to "holding pens" forever, or until activists can find foster homes for some, or some sneaky bastard sells them for slaughter in Canada, or Mexico. All this to clear the land for large cattle ranchers and the ED carnivores of existence.
Coyote, wolves, deer, elk, bears, rhino, lion, badgers, elephant, crows and prairie dogs are blasted to "kingdom-come" by small-case Ratillians with small-case dicks who just get off blowing shit up; thus devoiding the landscape of necessary life, and this benefits the Ratilians greatly. A US Senator hosted a pigeon shoot a week ago. (Pigeons trapped in a big wooden box...man inside with them...he throws them out the top by the handfuls...POPPOPPOP... a bunch of assholes blow them to bits. This was to raise money for a compassionate charity.(-_-))
All these natural, beautiful "Animal Kingdom Wizards" who once roamed; regally, and freely upon the Earth, or swam in the oceans just tending to their own business have been nearly decimated to extinction by greed within a few short centuries. "Kill Everything, and let God sort it out." rules this planet. The Ratilians rule this theology.
These same Ratilians now come for us humans; orchestrating another full-scale, full-blown global blood-fest that multitudes will swim in because they think that death is the only option to life, and swear that they had no other choice. Death is not the only option, its just what transpires between live and life..... transformation. Life offers only life, living fire can burn off the cocoon of this death culture we are trapped in....if we are ready as a species to stop killing because we think that is what we have to do to live.
May Grace, Love, and Protection be our reward for kindness and humility. May we choose this path.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Denise Adaya Marcel
What is love?
The absence of fear.
The absence of rage.
The absence of retribution.
The absence of duality.
The absence of causality.
The absence of invisibility.
The absence of need.
The absence of superiority.
The absence of inferiority.
The absence of dogma.
The absence of rules causing separation.
The absence of the victimized-nation.
The absence of weakness.
The absence of smallness.
The absence of mediocrity.
The absence of laziness.
The absence of decay.
The absence of immobility.
When hollowness sings
songs empty of these things,
Love remains in refrains
of "No One Gets Out Alive,
So Why Not Be the Mythical Being,
why not be the King of Heroes....
the King of Everything.
(To a Creator Omnipotent,
frailty is transgression's quotient.
Creators make nothing gutless!
If you are appointed to the image of a Supreme Being,
this means you transgress against yourself
when you feign helplessness.)
Thursday, July 31, 2014
The Mother Principal.
Denise Adaya Marcel.
The ALL: Matrix,
Uterus come Creatrix.
All that is,
All that was,
All that will ever be
Came from a mother’s womb..
The continual unfolding
of forevermore eclipses
mundane reality.
would never allow
for lesser beings to rule
in a domain created by Itself,
only fearful humans would.
"GOD" aka The
There is no equal,
there is no rival,
there is no exception.
Words written by mortal hands
do not express the
truth of ALL that is,
ALL that was,
and ALL that will ever be.
God is about CREATION,
not destruction,
redemption, not consummation.
Exemption from domination
Rules the day of those who secern
From the maddening crowd
Which vocalize abominations.
Where we go
We go together,
As above so below,
Explicating excuses
For a people devouring a people
Denoting sheep in Devil’s clothing.
We are a creation
Which indicates a Creatrix.
Sentience calls out intuitively
That a Creatrix creates via equidistance.
Saturday, May 24, 2014
A River’s Mind.
Adaya Marcel
The River
flows through me,
I flow
through the River.
I am the
I am the
fecund foreverness.
shimmering, simmering excitement;
A rushing
quivering of anticipation
From an perpetually
enlivened everbirthing
Of a
sort unknown to mankind.
I have a
River's mind.
I know
about birth,
I renew myself every hour.
One can
never stand
In the
same River twice,
Nor can
the River
mystical Kundalini symphonies;
motion, set to liquid fire
Burns and
drowns as fast as it passes.
River is never silent,
it holds onto nothing salient.
River always offers
rarity and clarity.
of majestic Destiny.
Are laid
to rest upon the banks;
the healing
Of the
ravages of time.
River never looks back.
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