Monday, November 14, 2016

I don't know what to say except that hate is still a problem in our country, so I guess it is an opportunity for us as a people to come to a place where we finally defeat it. We let this slide for far too long. We barely said anything when we learned that cops were beating African-Americans, Latinos, and Native-Americans to death in the streets of our cities. We didn't say anything when Obama deported 2.5 million people. Now hear me out, my love, OK? Perhaps Divine Wisdom is finally giving us a chance to eradicate hate by putting it back in our faces one last time. I looked it up, and it was in a girl's bathroom that "whites only" was scrawled, and no one knows who did it. I am betting that everyone at this school is rallying and becoming protectors, right? A few short weeks ago, everyone would just film violence and post it on youtube while they are laughing, but now we are standing TALL in negation of the abuses. See, a silver lining. A few days ago, a man in San Francisco put out a Nazi flag, and within minutes all his neighbors came out and demanded that he take it down. (~_~) I also know that quite a bit of those stories are fabricated. I will post two examples below. We are UNITING! BRILLIANT! We Americans haven't done that in a long time, a very long time! But at the same time it seems like we are splitting apart...perhaps maybe we are really being ripped out of our comfort zone, and because we have become so complacent that this is what it would take to wake us up. Now we have to be careful that we don't go over to the side of hate, which is what I am seeing. 

If we want love to triumph, we HAVE TO BE LOVE.  As to what you tell your children...well, what did you tell them the first time they faced a bully? Tell them that again. And to the victims of racial violence, inequality, and injustice....I tell them that we are FINALLY HEARING YOU! We are listening now with all our hearts. NOW society has the power to change, now we have the power to come into your inner cities with jobs, decent housing, opportunity, and excellent schools. NOW we see that you have been left behind and tormented just because of the color coat you wear to cover your eternal soul. NOW WE SEE, and what we see is LOVE and pain! 

Great Spirit never gives us more than we can handle, and Great Spirit never gives us something this huge unless we ask for it. Seven Billion HUEman beings came together at this time to HEAL this weeping wound. We never really healed it, we just looked away after the blood stopped flowing. We are still looking away, when we forget to remember the devastation wrought by America across the world, Vietnamese people, Korean people, Arab people, Serbian people, Panamanian people, African people, Palestinian people. Sounds absolutely racist to me, doesn't it to you, but it's over "there", we can't see it? See, this is why such pain has come home to roost in America, we have to face a mirror, and as soon as we do, we will stitch together our two factions, and finally move on our journey. We have been stuck in wars for the last 6,000 years. 

Until we stop killing the "other", we will be at war with ourselves. All I can do is love, I know no other way, and sometimes my love includes forcing myself to see what is ugly so that I can learn from it, and then use that learning to move vertically. If we start wars in the street because we don't like the outcome, then we will be telling the Universe that we are still addicted to war. We forget.... but NOW we ARE ENGAGED! (~_~) Hate become self-perpetuating. Life is weird though, we have become a narcissistic, self-serving society, corpulent almost with the way we live. We kind of manifested an amalgam of our collective selves in one personae, our new President. 

Thanks for the conversation, 
we will get through this. 
We will shine. I love you!!!! 

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