The Eyes of Horus
Adaya Marcel.
The right eye of Horus,
The masculine force....
The left eye, the Goddess.
Third eye, de-neutered life itself.
Balanced, it aligns the healer in all of us.
Adaya Marcel.
The right eye of Horus,
The masculine force....
The left eye, the Goddess.
Third eye, de-neutered life itself.
Balanced, it aligns the healer in all of us.
This central eye sees
though it can pretend
to be blind.
A fourth eye;
omnipotent one truth.
god-ness and grace;
Neter Neteru -that which is beyond proof-
multi-dimensions of
inner and outer space
spicing up the primordial soup.
omnipotent one truth.
god-ness and grace;
Neter Neteru -that which is beyond proof-
multi-dimensions of
inner and outer space
spicing up the primordial soup.
A fifth eye?
can it see into the other side
beyond the veil of life?
Does it know
the name of Adam's first wife?
Lillith...since you left,
Man has not been the same.
Sixth eye's reality
is death knowledge;
it has been said
in perpetuity, that a man's
greatest aspiration
is to love a very good woman
and kill a very bad man.
A Woman can teach you how to live,
A Man will teach you how to die.
The seventh eye
awakens from potential,
feasting itself off of the
coalescing scent of miracles
emanating from the Eternal, Omnipotent,
Ubiquitous Breath of the All,
"Empathetic bankruptcy
creates all our
hours of need in this
fucked up existence
we choose to lead.
Apathy Has become
this generation's barbarity."
Apathy Has become
this generation's barbarity."
This eighth eye desires
to swim in our birth Mother
to be safe again in primordial soup;
as we pour our hearts
into a moment of non-maternal release;
we cure this terminal disease
and love our way towards infinity.
Three times three eyes...equals...nine.
I cry the Holy trinity
and sing and this is the thing
that gives me permission
to catapult caution into the wind and
lift my blinders to demand dignity
for we; she and me, all earthlings.
Mother knows the truth
of stretch marks and eternal misery;
those heal, but not through
heartless apathy.
Tenth eye....autonomy
destiny, possibility.
wiggle through the
tenacious implosions
of totalitarian intimacy as the
Universe's hand maidens
tell your secrets to me.
If there is an eleventh eye
it is a sort of non-reality;
a space between what is
and what should be.
Perhaps the origination
of the very first tear shed
from the first abomination
came from this eye.
Twelve is what no mortal man's destiny
has a right to know or a capacity
to comprehend. This is the realm of mystery.
This is the sum of all that could ever be.