Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Ruby Chalice.

Ruby Chalice.
Denise Adaya Marcel.

Amoebic stars fall all around me,
crack me open with the determination
of lightening.......purgation....germination
integration of this conscientiously  fractured heart.
Nothing gets lost to victim-self longing as angry flame
calms to quenched ember and whispers my ruby name.

Resurrected blooms once faded dispute nihilism.
Desperate hate has nowhere to grow. Forever.
Befuddled sycophants go on another rant,
but truth being itself, 
hate is merely the heaviest form of love.
.......too dense for the wings of immortality.

Eternal Light is in a state of magnetic, energetic flux
metamorphose, juxtapose with purpose
...Angel heartbeats cascade into my ruby chalice.
Nothing unbefittingly belittling such as malice.
Aviate, volant heart-hewn container of light;
blood-crystal receives only Grace.

I have a dream - tengo un sueno -
an impulsive sensory nerve, a soul spark
twitching like an evanescent neon wolf
doing the moon walk in full moon's shadow.
This reverie tells me that I know
what I know and that is enough....for now.

Still...Lupus laps up the contents of the Ruby Sangraal
and the Neteru of the Infiniverse
liquefies density into luminosity;
pour your truth into Mother's Holy Grail.
This journey is only detail created from your attention.
Intention is everything...

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