Sunday, July 10, 2011

I'm Just saying. Adaya Marcel.

I'm Just Saying...I Love You!
Adaya Marcel.

There are many heads to the one beast
who feasts off all our suffering.
The beast is apathy.
The beast is a comfort zone that anesthetizes you
and gives you permission to not care
and blackens a heart made for radiance.

Apathy allows tragedy's cadence
to blast day and night
as screaming babies die
and mothers struggle to find their breath
as they wallow in their own children's blood.
We watch American Idol as screaming babies die.

There are countless miracles in our world,
but until we see and address injustice;
that is always caused by our indifference
and carried out by idiopathic sycophants...
until we know our numbness gives monsters permission
to kill babies, we will never truly
be able to experience Nirvana.
Until we emphatically know that we are all one
and valuable in the eyes and heart of the Ultimate Creation,
we can never be wholly spiritual, kind or even human.