Monday, November 10, 2014

I wrote this tonight to ask ...why? Why is this to be allowed by sentient beings with "god-like" abilities? Just thinking out-loud....just talking to silence's wall, as usual:
A concerted effort is on to wipe out ALL life to make room for something else. The dolphin, whale, dugong,and shark slaughters all designed to empty the oceans of life forms essential for sustainability. The wild orgy of scooping up every living thing from the ocean to the point of emptiness, and filling Red Lobster customers to the point of obesity. Silent echos float in a lonely space designed for acoustical symphonies teeming with magical beings leaping for joy. Humanity is dying of gluttonous consumerism.because the "serpent" said that dying won't kill you, and killing doesn't matter.
All wild life on the land, wild horses rounded up by helicopter, tormenting these Earthlings until many slam into barricades and break their necks, or drop dead from exhaustion. 5 colts, and several adults died this way just yesterday. Then the rest were transported to "holding pens" forever, or until activists can find foster homes for some, or some sneaky bastard sells them for slaughter in Canada, or Mexico. All this to clear the land for large cattle ranchers and the ED carnivores of existence.
Coyote, wolves, deer, elk, bears, rhino, lion, badgers, elephant, crows and prairie dogs are blasted to "kingdom-come" by small-case Ratillians with small-case dicks who just get off blowing shit up; thus devoiding the landscape of necessary life, and this benefits the Ratilians greatly. A US Senator hosted a pigeon shoot a week ago. (Pigeons trapped in a big wooden inside with them...he throws them out the top by the handfuls...POPPOPPOP... a bunch of assholes blow them to bits. This was to raise money for a compassionate charity.(-_-))
All these natural, beautiful "Animal Kingdom Wizards" who once roamed; regally, and freely upon the Earth, or swam in the oceans just tending to their own business have been nearly decimated to extinction by greed within a few short centuries. "Kill Everything, and let God sort it out." rules this planet. The Ratilians rule this theology.
These same Ratilians now come for us humans; orchestrating another full-scale, full-blown global blood-fest that multitudes will swim in because they think that death is the only option to life, and swear that they had no other choice. Death is not the only option, its just what transpires between live and life..... transformation. Life offers only life, living fire can burn off the cocoon of this death culture we are trapped in....if we are ready as a species to stop killing because we think that is what we have to do to live.
May Grace, Love, and Protection be our reward for kindness and humility. May we choose this path.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Denise Adaya Marcel

What is love?

The absence of fear.
The absence of rage.
The absence of retribution.
The absence of duality.
The absence of causality.
The absence of invisibility.
The absence of need.
The absence of superiority.
The absence of inferiority.
The absence of dogma.
The absence of rules causing separation.
The absence of the victimized-nation.
The absence of weakness.
The absence of smallness.
The absence of mediocrity.
The absence of laziness.
The absence of decay.
The absence of immobility.

When hollowness sings 
songs empty of these things, 
Love remains in refrains
of "No One Gets Out Alive,
So Why Not Be the Mythical Being, 
why not be the King of Heroes....
the King of Everything.

(To a Creator Omnipotent, 
frailty is transgression's quotient.
Creators make nothing gutless!
If you are appointed to the image of a Supreme Being,
this means you transgress against yourself
when you feign helplessness.)

Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Mother Principal.
Denise Adaya Marcel.

The ALL: Matrix,
Uterus come Creatrix.
All that is,
All that was,
All that will ever be
Came from a mother’s womb.. 
The continual unfolding
of forevermore eclipses
mundane reality.

would never allow
for lesser beings to rule
in a domain created by Itself,
only fearful humans would.

 "GOD" aka The ALL; 
There is no equal,
there is no rival,
there is no exception. 

Words written by mortal hands
 do not express the truth of ALL that is,
 ALL that was,
and ALL that will ever be. 
God is about CREATION,
not destruction,
redemption, not consummation.
Exemption from domination
Rules the day of those who secern
From the maddening crowd
Which vocalize abominations.

Where we go
We go together,
As above so below,
Explicating excuses
For a people devouring a people
Denoting sheep in Devil’s clothing.
We are a creation
Which indicates a Creatrix.
Sentience calls out intuitively
That a Creatrix creates via equidistance.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

A River’s Mind.
Denise Adaya Marcel

The River flows through me,
I flow through the River.
I am the River.
I am the Giver
Of fecund foreverness.

Shivering, shimmering, simmering excitement;
A rushing quivering of anticipation
From an perpetually enlivened everbirthing
Of a sort unknown to mankind.
I have a River's mind.

I know about birth,
Because I renew myself every hour.
One can never stand
In the same River twice,
Nor can the River
Replicate mystical Kundalini symphonies;
Musical motion, set to liquid fire
Burns and drowns as fast as it passes.

The River is never silent,
Thoughts unfold
Though it holds onto nothing salient.
The River always offers
Newness, rarity and clarity.
Purification of majestic Destiny.

Regressed memories
Are laid to rest upon the banks;
Seeding the healing
Of the ravages of time.
The River never looks back.

Friday, May 23, 2014

The Battle.
Denise Adaya Marcel
There is a battle,
if waged too long 
robs the soul
of its beingness,
robs the heart
of its joy.
The battle won is the one
walked away from 
when your part is done.
All warriors need rest
least they become the beast.
All heroes require respite
least they become the feast.
The war will be over 
when the warrior 
decides to come home.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Just Doing My Job, Ma’am.

(The Excuse of Every Good Nazi.)

Denise Adaya Marcel.

You beasts with your black suits,

Camouflage, khaki, sunglasses;
Helmets and protection
Against the unprotected
Decry sanity in your 

Ostensible cloaks of invisibility.

Listen up Changeling:

It is the suit that holds the mightiness,

It is never you, you see,

You only create the nightmare.

Only an imbecile  would ameliorate genocide.

Only a peon would pledge

His mother’s blood to a cuckoo’s nest

Simply to be deluded like the rest;

Your paycheck means you work

For the ghouls who finance fratricide.

Super-Heroes hold true power.

Unlike Superman - who alone, perhaps,

Naked still retains his magnificence -

You are merely a worthless instrument

In a black rented suit.

What would you do if you came upon

other black suits beating the reason you are present.


 What if it was your soul-mate,

The mother of your children.

Your mother

Your father

Your freedoms

Your inspiration

that lie bleeding at your feet?

Because we believe in freedom,

stand with the multitudes

you justify and deny the dignity of humanity?

To you we are the “hoi polloi”,

“The Great Unwashed” masses.

You work for those who see us this way.

Exactly whose job are you executing

When you enforce your own mortality,

When you destroy

the reverberation of a down-trodden nation?

Just Doing My Job, Ma’am:

beating children with a truncheon,

spraying them in the face with a toxic chemical

is what I have been trained to do.

Even if it’s your own beautiful daughter?

Would you take off your black suit,

Or hide behind another thug and keep beating?

Would you spray your grandmother

In the face to demonstrate virility?

Would grab your mother’s hair

And drag her down the street?

To testify loyalty to estranged

Concepts of humanity,

And heap destruction upon your own community?

Hiding behind your padded suit,
your face mask,
your shield, and guns, 
your agent provocateurs, 

gas mask,

clubs and LRAD;
"Just doing my job, Ma'am."

 Black suit, would you be protected

Once you take that costume off?

The black suit has the power. Not you….

You are nothing but a pawn of hell.