Thursday, April 17, 2014

OM Ouroboros
Denise Adaya Marcel

In the beginning was Pure LOVE
Which bespoke the magic of OM
And OM is a song of frequency
From the Mind of the ALL
Frequency generates vibration
Vibration is energy
Energy produces movement
Movement creates magnetism
Magnetism designs form
Form gives birth to LOVE

Every single thing exists because the ALL
exists within the ALL
An Exhale from the Mind of Pure LOVE is OM
Vibration Movement Energy
Magnetism Love Birth Light Peace
We do not die for our beliefs
Our beliefs willingly die away from us
There is nothing but LOVE to believe
What we are really fighting for is
A return to the Heart of the ALL

Fear not, the ALL could never leave us
Has never left us and we have never really left
Except in illusory delusional separation
We are a qualitative part of the ALL
The ALL cannot be ALL without us
Welcome Home to OM Ouroboros
Never ending spiral of Pure LOVE

Love, light and peace,
Beautiful Living Fractals that we are!