Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Eyes Of Horus.

The Eyes of Horus
Adaya Marcel.

The right eye of Horus,
The masculine force....

The left eye, the Goddess.
 Third eye, de-neutered life itself.
Balanced, it aligns the healer in all of us.
This central eye sees 
though it can pretend
to be blind.

A fourth eye;
omnipotent one truth.
god-ness and grace;
Neter Neteru -that which is beyond proof-
multi-dimensions of
 inner and outer space
spicing up the primordial soup.

A fifth eye?
can it see into the other side
beyond the veil of life?
Does it know
the name of Adam's first wife?
Lillith...since you left,
Man has not been the same.

Sixth eye's reality
is death knowledge;
it has been said
in perpetuity, that a man's
greatest aspiration
is to love a very good woman
and kill a very bad man.
A Woman can teach you how to live,
A Man will teach you how to die.

The seventh eye
awakens from potential,
feasting itself off of the
coalescing scent of miracles
emanating from the Eternal, Omnipotent,
Ubiquitous Breath of the All,

"Empathetic bankruptcy
creates all our
hours of need in this
fucked up existence 
we choose to lead.
Apathy Has become
this generation's barbarity."

This eighth eye desires
to swim in our birth Mother
to be safe again in primordial soup;
as we pour our hearts
into a moment of non-maternal release;
we cure this terminal disease
and love our way towards infinity.

Three times three eyes...equals...nine.
I cry the Holy trinity
and sing and this is the thing
that gives me permission
to catapult caution into the wind and
lift my blinders to demand dignity
for we; she and me, all earthlings. 

Mother knows the truth
of stretch marks and eternal misery;
those heal, but not through
heartless apathy.

Tenth eye....autonomy
destiny, possibility.
wiggle through the
tenacious implosions
of totalitarian intimacy as the
Universe's hand maidens
tell your secrets to me.

If there is an eleventh eye
it is a sort of non-reality;
a space between what is
and what should be.
Perhaps the origination
of the very first tear shed
from the first abomination
came from this eye.

Twelve is what no mortal man's destiny
has a right to know or a capacity
to comprehend. This is the realm of mystery.
This is the sum of all that could ever be.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Lady Isis.

Nehes, nehes, nehes,
Nehes em hotep,
Nehes em neferu,
Nebet hotepet
Weben em hotep,
Weben em neferu,
Nutjert en Ankh,
Nefer em Pet!
Pet em hotep,
Ta em hotep,
Nutjert sat Nut,
Sat Geb,, Merit Auser,
Nutjert Asha-renu!
Anekh hrak
Anekh hrak
Tua atu, Tua atu,
Nebet Aset!

  Awake, awake, awake,
Awake in peace,
Lady of Peace,
Rest thou in peace,
Rise thou in beauty,
Goddess of Life
Beautiful in Heaven.
Heaven is in peace,
Earth is in peace
O Goddess,
Daughter of Nut,
Daughter of Geb,
Beloved of Osiris,
Goddess rich in names!
All praise to You,
All praise to You,
I adore You,
I adore You,
Lady Isis!

Thoughts Late At Night......

Swim In The Divine..
Adaya Marcel.
Wrestle with balance,
Swim in the Divine.
images line
our inner now-time.

What is our real reason for being human?
What is the length and breadth
of purpose in relation to a life span spent unknown?

Did I come to consume everything in my path
or did I come to create to my fullest capacity?
Only living will reveal the path.
Only loving can speak fluent infinity.
I love you so much I know 
that I would die for you,
other times I see your apathy
and I close my heart to that truth.
I am a prisoner to your awakening.
I love you so much I want you 
to see your unspeakable beauty.

I love you so much
that I consume reality
until I am destined to die
the death of the 
spiritual patriot.
I will not die the idiot.
I love you that much.

I owe you my awakened mind
I owe you my kindness
I owe you
my utter devotion.
I love you empyreal,
I adore you sublime.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Lady Of Ten Thousand Names.

Jessica Faye Smith.
   Lady Of Ten Thousand Names.
  Adaya Marcel.

Isis, lovely bringer of light,
creation streams from your sight;
look at me, right straight at me, Lovely;
that I might give birth to
your desires by doing
what is precious and right. 
You see everything, especially need;
see me.

Mother of the Gods,
You stole Ra's holy name,
yet never abused it
and did so only to create a healing balm.
I love and respect your deception.
I watch with appreciative perception
as you sing chaos to calm.

She who knows the orphan,
comfort this lonely separated world.
We miss you with all our heart,
because you never miss-use the trust
of us, the disenfranchised;
this is why we stand before you today
offering violet diamond dust.

Goddess of the Blue Lotus, rejoice;
you taught your daughters well,
though we are slow to respond,
you have given us a voice
and we are called forth.
Our legions are swelling
in this hour of Compassionate birth.

Lover of Osiris,
We come limping and leaping
from our seclusions,
to do your bidding;
may we transform to light
all of our merciless and mediocre delusions.

Isis, Sekhmet, Hathor;
Defender of Ma'at,
in all your manifestations
we know you as the original
Holy Trinity.
From desire comes creation;
from creation comes elation
and sanity; Mother
your womb delivers
supernal emotion and devotion.

Queen of the Word of Power and Divinity.
Love is that word,
Love gives us permission to dance
raw and naked and graceful,
without bruises
or ugly shame due to our misuse.

Compassionate One,
We offer up our misery
as admission to your dream,
our screams are our script
and our description
of why we stand before you.
We see the need to plant your seed.
The only barrier between all worlds is within our human eyes.  
Our spirit eyes are intimately acquainted with eternity,
we came to be of service to thee.

Goddess rich in names, Lady of Peace,
asking why is redundant,
and staying crippled is repugnant;
this cannot continue,
Mistress of the House of Life,
we offer our hearts to suffuse
your light across your Universe,
help us diffuse all of this misery in your name.
It is time...
It is time...
and we offer love sublime.
You are Life's Muse.

Philosopher's Stone, Or Heart Of Stone?

Philosopher's Stone, Or Heart Of Stone?
Adaya Marcel.

Restless and reckless as I am
tonight, I fell asleep in my own arms.
I discovered during a dream
of dispirited fear
that the end of misery is near
Fell asleep the baby,
and awoke sublime.

I spoke aloud of my crime of dread
to the chaotic rabble in my head,
of the terror that lived within my troubled soul:
A dreamer of purpose with no possibility
of gathering enough light to to fill 
up the whole world on my own.

In my dream I thought I was alone
but your face became ceremonially 
carved in sculptural relief
upon my Philosopher's Stone.

I learned that the journey
is where you find the gold,
not in one pot at the 
end of one mindless road,
but in the 6 billion wandering faces
that are exactly like my own.

Can it be said that our truth
doesn't want to be told
and is perpetually dancing
on the head of our ancestral quilting pin,
psychotically repeating patterns of old,
trapped in the rut of the disgusting.

To rediscover ethereal origin
we arrive at our horizon of now,
awareness is inception,
where you stand right this very second,
from here and beyond;
from here and behind
top to below, side to side,
somewhere within the residual meaning
grows the beginning, middle and end
of something outside and inside of time.
Existence as a Whole.  The All.
We fit like a glove of love.

The Philosopher's Stone
is an elixir of  knowing
that the Chalice is our heart,
the wine is our empathy.
Alchemy is transmuting heavy leaden hate
into Powerful Electrified Love.

What we have been seeking
is already within us, it is us,
we are the Messiahs
we have been waiting for.
Our embracing and dancing 

in the light of compassion,
shall gift us with our inheritance.

Principalities, territories
boundaries, or terms like collateral damage
are sickening justifications of real life horror stories
from old programming forced into new flesh
and will not matter one bit in your dreams
when it's your own child,
your mother, father, or husband
lying in a pool of their own blood.

These things we did not come to do.
These things we did not come to see.
These things are keeping us from ourselves.

What would we do
if we were super-heroes,
and we could save anyone we wanted.
Who would you choose to save?
So.....what if I told you that you are a hero to me
and you have a cape coated with Electrum
and magic at your fingertips.
Do you now see the beauty of
what we are capable of?
A whole world of super-heroes!

What would we create
were we to drink
of our own personal chalice of light
and offer it generously
to the rest of the world?
What could we change
if we knew we are
the Philosopher's Stone?

Monday, January 10, 2011

Isis, The Compassionate Destroyer.

Isis, The Compassionate Destroyer.
Adaya Marcel.

Isis wears us like sentient robes of love.
We illuminate her heart,
we create her footsteps upon this planet.
We are her manifestation of third
and fourth dimensional reality,
we are the embodiment of Her light and love.
As below, as within, so above.

All Hail the Goddess Isis,
and her Unconditional Love,
all hail our own beingness,
fore we are She, we do Her work,
we walk Her path.
Remember the whole of existence is a matrix,
and the word matrix literally means......"Mother's Womb".

We are dynamic bursts of light
from the mind of The All;
From a Goddess who has blessed us.
My gratitude is full like the moon;
selfless and reflecting all possibility.

So, I whisper your journey awake,
I sing a lullaby to your inner child
and caress your truth into aliveness;
I honor the power of Your/Her awareness.
The Mother's Heart is where sanity will be found;
in compassionate astuteness we ground.
This is the essence of Isis, Mother of existence.
We are the perfume of Her Presence.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Intimacy Interrupted.

The Journey Poem.

Intimacy Interrupted.
Denise Mills.

Restless skull; Fearless path...
I feel the music from a generation of journeyers,
circling their stars around dispirited hate.
They are not bothered with their destination,
but have memorialized their fate.

A filthy train; littered with wrath...
I hear the elocution of the tongue-tied
masses, expatriates who expatiate;
crippled victims of thoughtless negation
and warped computations.
They deliver the midnight benediction,
but nothing comes out sane or straight.

Summer reeks; composted past...
Spring blooms have fallen deep inside the maiden,
the twists and turns means harvest is coming late.
So many sexual cannibals during my evolution,
that I am bereft of intimacy;
I had only perishable ancestral heroes;
my dreams were a feast for the desecrate.

Flesh after bone; exquisite ectoplast...
I have met a wolf made of lightening,
she stands on the track, serene and sedate,
in the direction which corresponds to my re-creation.
The train has departed, her way remains unabated.

Grace embellished; Sophia coronate.
Beams of light flame their way from her eyes,
through old grime caked on the broken widows
of wholly unholy conjugate; metamorphate
into evanescent cascades of wisdom so bright;
I follow her out of the restrictions of the station,
bliss replaces the advertised mortality rate.

Deliver Me To Justice.

Deliver Me To Justice. 
Adaya Marcel.
 Walking in early ambrosia light
I was shocked to see a kite,
dead....lying alone 
at the bottom of the ravine. 
Lonely and disheveled in death.
Incoherently and thoughtlessly
dishonored during her last breath
She was lying in the dust, like debris,
with vacant but surprised skyward eyes.
No longer the messenger except to me, 
she pleaded, "I beg of you, 
take me from this place.
  Deliver me to justice,
give my death meaning and grace."

 I climbed below the crest
to retrieved this winged beast.
  Though resting in winter's shadows,
  she was warm and infused with the heat
of transition;  recently diseased...
life force still warmed her.
She soars in fiery victory now;
a higher vibration of holy stratosphere.

  She was perhaps Isis
in search of her lover;
or Danu, Mother of Air 
who felt winter's frigid bite.
With all Her pain transformed to light,
I surrendered to the miracle of discovery.
The morning was windy,
but what care to the owner of the air.
Her body was sung electric
by the power lines that cross the valley
of the City of Sin.  A city that does not care.
A most horrendous way
for a hawk to transverse, unknown,
to the other side of Her destiny.
It broke my heart to see 
her like stilled like this,
suddenly.... I recognized me
and I involuntarily
called out my other names.

"Isis, You will never be
forsaken by the memories
trapped in my pain body,
Danu, I will treasure always Your gift,
Your Scepter of benevolent Sovereignty.
This day I claim that I am
Your humble, grateful, eternal flame".

 Then a strange thing happened...
Isis and Danu sang to me...
They keened, "Take my wings
that you may fly above the norm
and see what others will not see.
Take my feet, that you might walk
in truth and never fear the speaking.
Take my skull, to have the clearest of vision,
that you may always be purity
and a messenger of light
and compassionate dignity."

 She rested limp and warm
in my gentle hands and I cried
a lover's keen..... I screamed.
I felt the nature of sapient transience
in Her beingness, I knew of Her pride
and the power that once resided within Her
now surged through me.

  Embracing Her words, I placed
Her mortal body inside my sweater,
right above my pounding heart
and prepared a sacred ritual of deliverance.
She sacrificed Her earthly existence
to offer me this gift of holy reverence;
I owed Her everything, including clarity,

 Mystery Raptor, rapture of eternity.
Isis, glorious seeker of truth,
finder of missing pieces;
and wholeness and awareness.
Danu, Your Sword of Ice has
melted my illusions
and ruthless self-doubt.
Quite by accident, in finding you
in your hour of need
I recovered my lost grace,
I have been freed
of my fear of dying.


Friday, January 7, 2011

The Law Of Attraction, or my version of it called, "Where We Go, We ALL Go Together."

Call In What You Want.
Adaya Marcel.
To make that call from the heart is what I am not hearing from all that law of attraction mega-business.  We can call everything to us that we want, but if we do the calling from our intellectual mind we are not serving the heart in the slightest.  But first, to call from the heart, one has to KNOW from the heart.  That kind of knowing is not easy and comes from realizing the true measure of suffering, not to wallow in it, but to learn from it, to put your heart-energy into it and spring into action, to effect change because you have seen the whole thing and you know its weaknesses. 

Knowing something's weakness it not about hating it, defeating any weakness is where we find our strength and a true kind of love; but we can only "defeat" that which we love, and we can only truly love that which we intimately know...from the heart comes change, growth and Universal love, but the path ain't always pretty.   These things I speak of are things we CAN change so easily, if we simply say no - in concert, in unison - because we all know something NEEDS to be changed,  we ALL know the suffering that has occurred because of these very things that need to be changed and if a law is to be called in, let it attract the one that causes us all to love so much that we could not even think of leaving this mess we have created to the future generations of our world. 

Is a person wrong because they love you so much that they will hold a mirror up to show the ugly things so that you may better see how to protect yourselves and your family.  Part of the law of attraction business borders on selfishness, because it keeps saying that if we only worry about our own personal world the rest of the world will be OK, but remember, we are all one and the world will NOT be OK if we turn a blind eye to the part that is suffering.

Not long ago, Bill, The Science Guy was giving a lecture to a room full of students.  In the middle of it, he keeled over and hit the floor like a ton of bricks..passed out cold!  Not one person went to his rescue...they were all too busy tweeting pictures of him lying on the floor!!  They sent tweets like, "Wow, I hope he is OK!, You should have seen Bill hit the deck!, Why is no one is helping him?!, etc.  Intellectually everyone was worried, but not one of them cared from the heart, so they did not go to help him up off the floor.  Finally, someone from backstage came out to help him.  So, intellectually we all got it, but our hearts are still asleep.

I believe in a kind of Law of attraction, when I call in love, my heart opens to encompass all of life, I cannot distinguish between a small circle, and the whole circle.  I call in truth, but with it comes responsibility.  I call in justice, but with it comes the realization that many suffer injustice on a scale we cannot even imagine and I am compelled to call out to the whole of my world to help me speak out and stop the injustice.  When I call in a healthy world I learn that our world is really sick, and I am bound to use my voice to sing a song of compassion for our mother earth.  My law of attraction makes me want to put on a cape and save the world, because I know that I AM THE WORLD.  If it dies, I die, if it is not worth our urgent care, then the only law we are attracting is the law of apathy.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A Post On Facebook

Alex Grey.
How Change Can Happen.
Adaya Marcel.

I believe that the only way we can change wrong things is to approach from the heart, not from the mind, because if we come from the mind, everything will explode and we will lose this opportunity to meet our future amazing selves.  Our electrified, Intelligent Selves.  Even if we have anger and justified indignation; those things are warranted if we back them up with love. 

From my heart I send letters to all my "representatives" in Washington, I get form letters in return.  I write to the president AND his wife, I get nothing in return.    I pass information to everyone I know, but in reality, we cannot change what we do not take at least partial responsibility for.

 We were asleep at the wheel for a long time.  We allowed politicians/bankers/overlords/motherfuckers to stay in power far too long, we got lazy.

 But not to worry, we begin the transformation by exercising good judgment: don't buy Round-up or anything from seeds that are Round-up "ready", do not buy Fabreeze (which also has ingredients that are know to cause cancer, but is still sold to you and me at Walmart, et al.)  Do not eat anything with aspartame, fluoride, high fructose GMO corn syrup. Do not eat anything called GMO if you want to protect your great grandchildren from sterility.   Protest against every chemical compound that is known to be cancer causing, and forbid its use in our environment.  Do not just blindly take some pharmaceutical poison because a doctor said it doesn't hurt laboratory rats.  STOP drinking soda pop.  They are poisoning you with 13 tablespoons of GMO high fructose corn syrup and if you drink diet you are drinking aspartame, which is the fecal matter of e-coli bacterium and causes brain tumors, grand mal seizures, obesity, diabetes and the list goes on and on and on.

 Our vote is our voice, our way of spending money is a type of vote that can transform our helplessness into strength...this will eventually change everything "evil" in our world.  It is only in the darkness of our apathy and ignorance that evil befalls man.  Believe me, there are only a few dark masters who rule us all, they and their minions,  will follow the money.  If we reclaim our birthright  of freedom from tyranny by using our voices of reason, our power will return to its rightful places...the holy trinity of existence: Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 

The change will come if we want it enough.  Follow the money...if we don't give them any of our money they shrivel up and die. If we do not give them our vote, they dry up and blow away, making room for ethical, humane representatives.   If you want to know why there is so much war, see who benefits monetarily from it, who makes trillions of dollars from so much suffering...Arms merchants, speculators, private contractors, body bag makers; the list is endless if you include wall street.....If you want to know why there is so much disease, see who benefits the most from it.  Our true  nemesis/enemy/challenge is not some family in Iraq or Afghanistan, or Pakistan, or Iran, or Killeveryonewedontlikeistan.  Follow or control, the choice is ours.  We merely have to be willing to care by virtue of our actions....powered by our heart....thus.....justice and deliverance will shortly come.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Through The Looking Glass

The Looking Glass.
Adaya Marcel.

I opened my eyes
in the mirror tonight
and saw something startling.

It blew my mind
because I merely saw someone who loves;
not perfectly, of course
but I spied my reason for living.-
I love; I am love, I create love.
I literally love "love".

It is my secret, sacred joy
as a free-willed human,
through empathy
I discover my soul-purpose
as a sentient being ...
I live and breath compassion.

Some young angry man from Chico
came onto my web page,
uninvited....mind you,
and literally told me I should
go hang myself
for posting silly videos
of myself singing songs.
He said that he had to gouge
his eyes and his ears out.

This poor lonely brother
said I was ugly and everyone hated me.
He called me a cunt several times
as he spewed desperation.

I recognize his pain,
so I forgive him;
I forgive the human experience...
this is the very least I can do.
Tonight's mirror told me so.

It wasn't really his fault anyway,
it was all of us.
He was wrong...
he created the anger-
in that respect it was all he-
but we
as an apathetic society
let him fall into the worm-hole
and thus count Jason a ritualistic causality
to emasculinity..

Shall I choose
to understand this seeming
exercise in futility?
Only those with horrible wounds
would lash out that way.

So, I forgive and it allows me to see
that this is who I came to be;
that is why my reflection scares me.

Dare I become a haven of mystery,
or a paradox within our non-reality?
I mean, who am I to become
Fatima's enigma...
bubble-wrapped by coincidental infinity.

I favor love as this becomes me...
this beautifies me and fits me to
the proverbial "T";
tho' I prefer not to be a rarity.
I wish for all to join me
in Love, fore it will mollify
and codify
our relationship to eternity.

The Ruby Chalice.

Ruby Chalice.
Denise Adaya Marcel.

Amoebic stars fall all around me,
crack me open with the determination
of lightening.......purgation....germination
integration of this conscientiously  fractured heart.
Nothing gets lost to victim-self longing as angry flame
calms to quenched ember and whispers my ruby name.

Resurrected blooms once faded dispute nihilism.
Desperate hate has nowhere to grow. Forever.
Befuddled sycophants go on another rant,
but truth being itself, 
hate is merely the heaviest form of love.
.......too dense for the wings of immortality.

Eternal Light is in a state of magnetic, energetic flux
metamorphose, juxtapose with purpose
...Angel heartbeats cascade into my ruby chalice.
Nothing unbefittingly belittling such as malice.
Aviate, volant heart-hewn container of light;
blood-crystal receives only Grace.

I have a dream - tengo un sueno -
an impulsive sensory nerve, a soul spark
twitching like an evanescent neon wolf
doing the moon walk in full moon's shadow.
This reverie tells me that I know
what I know and that is enough....for now.

Still...Lupus laps up the contents of the Ruby Sangraal
and the Neteru of the Infiniverse
liquefies density into luminosity;
pour your truth into Mother's Holy Grail.
This journey is only detail created from your attention.
Intention is everything...