Saturday, April 14, 2012

We've Dug Osiris' Tomb. Adaya Marcel.

 We've Dug Osiris' Tomb. Adaya Marcel.

Lady of Ten Thousand Names,
Be thou here with us now.
Mother of Love and Burning Flames,

and the most sacred of unconditional love.
Call back your warrior Son, Horus;
Call Him home...I fear he's gone insane.
Mistress of the Womb,
the deeds are done,
revenge extracted, we've dug Osiris' tomb.

Lovely Spirit of the Forgiving One,
Call your warriors home.
She Whose Vision is the Sun...
Horus has only one eye,
the other is an ugly scar, 

his heart has come undone.
all he can see is war,
all he can feel is pain.

He can only inflict the same;
all he can do is kill as if he is the only one

to ever feel so intensely 
that it makes you feel insane.

Give him permission to live again.
Creatress of Conditionless Compassion,
have empathy with all his mothers,
restore the sight of our offspring

that we may see a future
help us open ALL eyes; ALL the way

to the way of the ALL.
Sweetness of the Eternal Spring,
remember us to sing the songs
that end all suffering

for Life's Foreverlings.