Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Mother Principal.
Denise Adaya Marcel.

The ALL: Matrix,
Uterus come Creatrix.
All that is,
All that was,
All that will ever be
Came from a mother’s womb.. 
The continual unfolding
of forevermore eclipses
mundane reality.

would never allow
for lesser beings to rule
in a domain created by Itself,
only fearful humans would.

 "GOD" aka The ALL; 
There is no equal,
there is no rival,
there is no exception. 

Words written by mortal hands
 do not express the truth of ALL that is,
 ALL that was,
and ALL that will ever be. 
God is about CREATION,
not destruction,
redemption, not consummation.
Exemption from domination
Rules the day of those who secern
From the maddening crowd
Which vocalize abominations.

Where we go
We go together,
As above so below,
Explicating excuses
For a people devouring a people
Denoting sheep in Devil’s clothing.
We are a creation
Which indicates a Creatrix.
Sentience calls out intuitively
That a Creatrix creates via equidistance.