Saturday, November 19, 2016

Denise Mills's photo.
I remember when Obama won in 2008, and a subgroup of weirdos came out of the sewers and immediately started attacking Michelle and people were outraged, and rightly so. So I figure those who do the same kinds of things now aren't much better. A more effective and enlightened protest is what happened at the Hamilton play with Pence...that was frickin' BRILLIANT!  Man to man, eyeball to eyeball, in front of the WHOLE world, HUEmanity put them on notice that we will not allow the clock to be turned back. That's how it's done....not by becoming what we despise, but by being what we love. 

Now as to "All this talk", I am guessing you are referring to the posts about war. If so, well, it's because we are forgetting that we have been killing people for 15 years. And because of that, at least 4 million HUEman beings are dead, tens of millions are wandering the planet looking for a safe place, and we will never know how many wounded are out there still suffering. I desperately seek to get someone, anyone to see that this is our true enemy. 

As long as we forget that misery on one race of people is being orchestrated in our name, way over there in the Middle East, I guess I figure we will have to slog and wade through our schizophrenic misery of resurgent racism here at home because maybe we really haven't really gotten rid of racism, or superiority, or bigotry in America, maybe we just outsourced it to Iraq,Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, al. Are we acting it out and calling it war to make ourselves feel better about what has been happening since 2001? 

Maybe I am crazy, but I feel it is important for us to see the correlation between "over there", and "over here". My motto is "Where we go, we go together" and that by it's very nature is all inclusive, HUEman, animal, flora, soil, air...our planet, which is also being indiscriminately bombed with something called depleted uranium(radio-active waste) in "war zones, and all the other contaminants that are part of our daily lives here at home. We are not just our words, because when the dust settles, we are remembered by our actions, or inaction and by what we leave behind for our children. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Is this you now?
