Friday, November 12, 2010

Children Of The Goddess.
Adaya Marcel.

We are each in search of
wholeness, braveness and healing;
we take classes, read books,
but what do we do
with all this knowing?
Do we lock it away in a dusty
console of inconsolability?
Are we fearless heroes,
or do we still turn a deaf ear
to those who beseech
and cry out for mercy?

In the process of our self-discovery,
do we recover our true selves
by remembering sacred intimacy....
that reunion of the eternal heart
with Loving Infinity?
Do we become the warrior for
all of creation's inherited right
to exist with dignity?

 If we could free
from bondage
our authentic self;
disavow injustice
and come to bliss...
could we,
in good conscious, choose this?
We are no less than
and beautification.
The gift of possibilities
intrinsic to Trinity,
and the fact of our being
is a miracle, you see.

It is in the process of our perfection-
the path we walk, the things we believe-
we learn of the holy Three,
we learn that in three, there is unity.
(The Mother, The Daughter and the Holy Spirit)
Maybe Enlightenment comes
from the Three Sisters of Freedom:
and Grace.

Embracing our trine-self
becomes intrinsic to
altruistic primal truth.
To eradicate the futility,
the senseless deaths
of our - or our sister's - children,
we must become ruthless
towards imperialistic mentality and face the reality of duty.

We were created to accomplish
this amazing legacy
of reversing the madness
due to psychotic immunity.
Our silence is complicity.
Sekhmet is Nolava is Artimis,
all three facets construct life's epitome
of some splendid Creatress' Dignity.
We create, and we also anoint...
we can never allow destruction.

Women, by virtue of their virtue
must take their place and end hate.
To awaken all three qualities
together would be
the gift of the ages,
the reason for the Sages,
and will mend all our broken,
bleeding hearts.
It is a token of sanctified sacrifice
and will allow us
to reclaim our sanity.
All three Orphic tendencies
live within you and me.

Shall it be said of us that we are afraid;
thus slightly
deformed into lethargy?
If we stood in our power place -
as the manifestation of Holy Empathy -
we have the combined strength
to stop war;
to illuminate, thus eliminate
self-entitled barbarity?

Mothers of
6 billion commiserations
once held evil intentions
under their golden slippers
when they ruled our hearts.
Women are the soul of the world....
We can cure insanity
by putting our foot
on the throat of complacency.
My journey leads me
to completely believe
in the power of ownership.....
the rightness in evoluted inner-worldliness,
open eye-ness
and bespeaking with awareness.
That is how I became conscious
of this exquisite mystical mystery
of gratitude and the obligation
to cry out for the mortified
and humiliated masses.
Goddess of fierceness,
slew the psychic vampires
and ate the hearts out
of the apathetic masses,
thus became mired in their blood.
Apathy and arrogance
were her promiscuous feast.

She was finally subdued
by a red ocher and barley brew;
thus metamorphosed into
the Goddess of Life.
Sister of strife,
hence Creatress
of celebration;
body and and wine
and sensual delights.

Rejoice in the complexities
and creative mastery
delivered into our bare hands;
enchanted truth
gratefully receives
this miracle of probabilities;
which can be
hindered only by our choices...
murdered by our own careless swords
and thoughtless words of fear.

When fully
intoxicated on life,
and mnemonic truth;
unconditionally compassionate
we shall become.
Born from the life and death
of our mortal sister's last breathings;
Immortal humane mercy
transcends indifference,
it is our only reality..
Holy Trinity:
this is our exclusive
place of safety
in a terrified world...
cohesion is all-inclusive....
evolution is based on empathy.
and celebration
and compassion....
the trinity.

We are the emotional soul of humanity.
We are the mothers of the entire world.
We have the duty to save it,
because we birthed it all;
every single human being
came from our bodies.
We own it.

No more syllabus,
it is time for action.
Our children need us
with full on power; as tacticians of Love
our intentions committed to altruism.
Our children need us sentient
and ready to do battle
against dragons spewing agony.
  Cowardice is not our inheritance
as the manifestation of the Goddess.

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